Fáilte romhaibh ar ais ar scoil
Welcome back to school everybody and especially to all the children who have returned with stories
of holiday adventures at home and abroad. We hope they are all delighted to be back amongst
friends again and ready for a little hard work! We trust everyone had an enjoyable and restful
Fáilte ar ais to all staff too and a special welcome to the new teachers who have joined the team
here at Scoil Éanna. Ms Brennan, Ms Fitzpatrick and Mr Treanor are very welcome.
As you are aware Mrs McCluskey has retired and we wish her health and happiness for many years to
come as she begins this busy new phase of life! Mrs Murphy has been appointed Deputy Principal and
the whole school community wish her well and are looking forward to working with her as she takes
on this exciting challenge.
Fáilte speisíalta roimh na Naíonáin Bheaga
We extend a special welcome to all the Junior Infants (and their parents) who started with us on
September 3rd 2018. We were very proud of how grown up they were on their first day at ‘big
school’. We hope they will enjoy their time at Scoil Éanna. Well done to all staff involved in helping
get them settled in their first few days!
Fáilte eile
Finally, welcome also to all the new children throughout the school who joined us on September 3rd!
We hope you will enjoy your time here and make friends quickly. I know all the children throughout
the school have helped you to settle in nicely.
Contact details
Aladdin service is set up in the school. In order to ensure we have the correct details for your child,
please inform us if you have changed phone numbers or address as soon as possible.
Book Rental
The book rental monies are overdue. If parents are having difficulty paying please inform the office
in confidence. Fees can be paid in instalments. The rental fees cover rental books, pupil personal
accident insurance, homework diaries, photocopying materials and art and craft requisites. They are
priced very competitively in an effort to keep costs as low as possible for all parents. Please note
there are still some fees outstanding from last academic year.
Student Council
The children will shortly be electing committee members in classes for the Student Council. We are
looking forward to working with the new committee. We’d like to thank all children who participated
last year and wish our new recruits the very best for the coming year.
Car Park
The car park is especially busy at the start and end of the school day. Please do not park along the
footpath at the hedge at any time. When accompanying children up the hill, please use the footpath
as this is a roadway and we need to show the children good habits from an early age. Parents should
not drive up the hill between the hours of 9.00am and 9.30am, 1.50pm and 2.10pm and 2.50pm and
3.10pm unless a prior arrangement has been made with the principal.
Arrival/Dismissal and Supervision
School starts at 9.15am and the school will provide supervision on the yard from 9.05am. Teachers
will collect children from the yard at 9.15am and bring them to their classrooms. Please note that
the Board of Management does not accept responsibility for supervision of children before 9.05am.
The infant day ends at 2.00pm and children are collected from their classrooms. All other children
finish at 3.00pm and are collected from the carpark. Please note that your child must remain with
supervisors until you come to collect them and escort them to your car.
Children’s Absence
In line with Tusla/NEWB (National Education Welfare Board) guidelines all children who are absent
from school must provide a written note to the class teacher with the date & duration of the absence
and the reason for the absence. Children who miss twenty days or more must be reported to the
NEWB. You will receive an automated text from the school database system informing you when your
child misses fifteen days. Every school day counts and good attendance is vital for progress and
Healthy Lunches
We have a policy of healthy lunches in the school and hope the children and parents are mindful of
this when preparing lunches for school days.
School Uniform
The children all look wonderful in their school uniform. We would like to commend you for your
support of the uniform and trust that this will continue throughout the year.
The school Facebook page is used to keep parents informed of activities within the school. As part of
our Acceptable Usage Policy (available on the website) you are required to refrain from naming
children or their parents in comments you might add to school postings. School staff will monitor this
and remove all tags naming people.
School Closures
The children will have no school on Friday 05/10/2018 to facilitate a staff planning day for the new
language curriculum. The school will also close on Friday 26/10/2018 for the Presidential election.
Budget 2019
As the Budget looms the INTO (Irish National Teachers’ Organisation) has asked us to draw your
attention to the following information.
Have you got three minutes?
Primary education in Ireland needs a #BudgetBoost in #Budget2019. The INTO set out how we can
unlock potential and deliver the best primary education system in the world. Share with TDs,
senators, public representatives and other parents! https://youtu.be/wGLlvnwvYsg

back to school. color pencils