6th Class January – February News
Student council
The student council started on a Friday twenty second of February 2017. The people that are part of the student council are Rahiem Abdulhamid, Oran Byrne, Mary Quinn, Eoin Sheridan, Edel Murphy, James Mc Entee, Macey Mc Kenna and Emma Duffy. The pupils looked up some student council badges. They found some and they will be here at Scoil Éanna soon. The student council will try to keep Scoil Éanna a better place for all the pupils.
Cumann na mBunscol Quiz
There was a quiz on in Blayney in the Glencarn and there were around 20 schools taking part including Scoil Éanna. The people on the Scoil Éanna team were Eoin Sheridan Oran Byrne, Matthew Du Plessis, Anna Leonard, Annie Carroll, Éanna Curran, Nathan Mc Dermott and Martin Quinn It took place on Tuesday 7th February 2017. There were some hard questions and some not so hard. Each team had a table to themselves the people who set the quiz up each gave the teams 6 pieces of paper to write their answers on. While the teams worked hard they were out performed by a few other schools and so didn’t reach the final.
Boys Basketball
The boys Basketball took place on Tuesday February 2017. All the boys did really well. Scoil Éanna got to the shield semi final but unfortunately they got put out. Scoil Éanna played Gael Scoil Ultan first. Unfortunately Gael Scoil Ultan did better and Scoil Éanna lost their first game. Scoil Éanna came up against Blayney boys B. It was a good game and Scoil Éanna won. Scoil Éanna played their 3rd game against Corracrin in the shield semi final Scoil Éanna played well but unfortunately Corracrin gained the upper hand.
Credit Union Quiz
The Credit Union Quiz took place on Friday 3rd February 2017. The credit union quiz was on in Pearse Brothers in Ballybay Scoil Éanna had 3 people from 6th class Conor Curran, Billy Rutledge and Mathew Mc Dermott. The three boys got far but unfortunately got knocked out.
Cross country
For the cross country the training started on the 7th of February. The people who were part of the team in 6th class were Cian Sherry, Conor Mc Ardle, Conor Curran, Katie Mc Geough, Mary Quinn, Cliodhna Lindin, Aideen Drury and Anna Mc Skean. The people who were part of it in 5th class were Olivia Mc Skean, Orestas Pulks, Rachael Brennan. Martin Quinn was the only member from 4th. Finally in 3rd class there were Owen Sheridan, Simon Du Plessis and Nathan Duffy. The cross country was on the 8th of March. The boys team performed well but the girls stole the show as they captured the large schools trophy for the first time.
Google for Doodle
Olivia Mc Skean got to the All Ireland semi finals for Google for Doodle. On January they published all 75 Students who made it to the final stage.
Pancake Tuesday
Pancake Tuesday took place on the 28th of February. The pancakes cost 50c for 1 person and 1euro for a family. The money went to the Trocaire Lenten campaign. Maire, Ann, Dovydas and Mrs Flanagan made the pancakes for the whole school. The toppings were nuttela , butter , honey and sugar.
Confirmation Enrolment Ceremony
On the 28th of January 6th class students had their enrolment ceremony. This is the first step of confirmation. It was at 6:30 in Saint Patrick’s church Ballybay. All the 6th class students were there. They sang the song Do Not Be Afraid. On Sunday the 5th of March 6th class students made the pledge. This is a promise to stay off alcohol until you agree with your parents and to stay off illicit drugs for life.
Enrolment for new Junior Infant class
As 6th class is going to be leaving Scoil Éanna at the end of June there will be a new Junior Infant class starting. At present there are 29 children enrolled to start school in September.
5th class football blitz
The 5th class boys went to Phoenix Centre in Carrick to play Gaelic football. It was on Wednesday during school for 3 weeks in February Mr Duffy was their coach.
Grandparents Day
Every year we have grandparents day to celebrate that they are still here. Grandparents are special to all the people and children. The school had practices for their songs. Everyone was so happy especially the grandparents. They loved the songs and they love their grandchildren. Father La was there for the ceremony to help them. They had readers and children reading out their poems for their grandparents.
Girls Basketball
The girl’s basketball training started on the 23rd of January and ended on the 13th of February. Miss Mc Dermott and Dottie trained them for 4 weeks. They had to run 3 laps every time, practise shots and bouncing the ball. The game was at the community centre. The blitz started on the 14th of February and the game started at 10:15. The teams were ST Louis, Latton, Gael Scoil two teams, Corracrin two teams and Scoil Éanna. At the start of the first game Scoil Éanna played, they won by 42 – 0 against Corracrin. The next game Scoil Éanna lost by 3 – 9 against St Louis. Scoil Éanna got into the semi final and played against Gael Scoil. However they didn’t get into the cup final.
Internet Safety
A woman came in and told everyone what could happen if you talk to a stranger on online. The senior pupils had to write down internet apps they use like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and other things. If it was a game like fifa there would be strangers on it and anything could happen to you. So that is why she came in. After all those things the senior pupils watched a video about all of the things that could happen to you on online.
As part of active school programme all of Scoil Éanna took part in gymnastics. They started on the 16th of January and lasted for a six week block ending on the 21st of February. Lisa, Diane, Catriona and Ned have been training the pupils for these six weeks. The pupils had learned lots of new things like the bear walk, bunny hop, duck walk, handstands, cartwheels plus a few other things.
Ten at Ten
As part of RTE operation transformation many schools around the country have done ten at ten. Scoil Éanna was one of these schools. Scoil Éanna had done two laps around the Ballybay town park. After two laps all classes went back up to their class rooms and they were doing some exercise. Examples of these exercises were jumping jacks, arm moving, squats, basketball shots, running in the spot plus a few other things.
Playground update 
During the Christmas Holidays the senior playground got new nets around its perimeter so when the students are playing football and a few other games the ball will not go out. As well as that they got some new basketball hoops for playing some basketball.
This news was written by 6th Class Pupils Sophie Mc Cann, Orán Byrne, Cian Sherry, Karina Fogele and Jack Treanor. –