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Welcome Back to a New School Year

Fáilte romhaibh ar ais ar scoil Welcome back to school everybody and especially to all the children who have returned with stories of holiday adventures at home and abroad. We hope they are all delighted to be back amongst friends again and ready for a little hard work! We trust everyone had an enjoyable and […]

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Outbreak of VTEC in Creche and Participation on School Tours

Dear Parents/Guardians, It has come to our attention that there has been an outbreak of Verotoxigenic Esherichia coli (VTEC) in Ballybay Community Creche. Parents of children attending the crèche have been notified of the potential seriousness of this illness. Please click on link below  for important information and guidelines for you in relation to this […]

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Confirmation Saturday 12th May

The 6th Class Students of Scoil Éanna will be making their Confirmation this Saturday 12th May at 11am  in St. Patrick’s Church. They will be confirmed by Fr. Shane Mc Caughey. All are welcome to attend. Good luck to all 6th class and their teacher Miss Mc Kenna. Hopefully they will come back  to school […]

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