Dear Parents/Guardians,
It has come to our attention that there has been an outbreak of Verotoxigenic Esherichia coli (VTEC) in Ballybay Community Creche. Parents of children attending the crèche have been notified of the potential seriousness of this illness. Please click on link below for important information and guidelines for you in relation to this infection.
Please note that as a number of our pupils attend the crèche this impacts on our school, in particular in relation to upcoming school tours. The HSE has informed all parents of children who attend the crèche of the need to have their children tested.
If any of these tests prove positive ‘Children are excluded from attending children’s indoor play facilities or swimming pools, and should not be minded with other young children under 5 years of age (apart from siblings) until they have two negative tests’ (HSE)
It is imperative that all those from our school who attend Ballybay Community Creche be tested and cleared of any infection in order for them to participate in school tours.
Information & Guidelines re VTEC Infection